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Programa PROMESA

Programa para la Interacción Significativa y el Compromiso Social (PROMISE)

El Programa para la Interacción Significativa y el Compromiso Social (PROMISE) es un esfuerzo conjunto entre la Universidad de Maryland, CAPA-MC y voluntarios profesionales de la comunidad. Está diseñado para ayudar a niños con necesidades especiales.


El programa consta de actividades para mejorar las habilidades de los niños.

  • Regulación emocional

  • Deportividad

  • Habilidades interpersonales

  • Habilidades de conversación

  • Habilidades de amistad

Image by Kevin CASTEL

PROMISE Campamento de Verano

¿Qué implica el programa?

El programa brinda apoyo semanal en habilidades sociales con juegos de mesa, arte, juegos grupales y lectura/cuentos dirigidos por voluntarios capacitados. Cada semana, a los estudiantes se les presentarán y practicarán nuevas habilidades sociales: identificación/regulación de emociones, buen espíritu deportivo, habilidades de conversación, habilidades de amistad y habilidades interpersonales/de defensa. Les pedimos a los padres que completen encuestas previas y posteriores. Observaremos y recogeremos datos de los campistas durante las sesiones.


¿Para quién?

Niños de 4 a 14 años con necesidades especiales.


¿Cuales son los beneficios?

Los campistas pueden conocer y entablar relaciones con sus compañeros. También compartimos los resultados de la encuesta y la observación para las familias interesadas.


No hay eventos en este momento

Check Out Past PROMISE Health Talks

Image by Kent Lee

Affordable Housing for Disability Community

Learn about affordable housing resources for families.

Presented by The Maryland Partnership for Affordable Housing.

Recursos Adicionales


The Arc Montgomery County

The Arc Montgomery County directly supports nearly 600 children, youth, adults, seniors and families. They help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities achieve a higher quality of life and sense of belonging within their community.

Weights at Gym

Spirit Club

SPIRIT Club is the place where you can successfully work toward your fitness goals. They strive to foster a culture of support and encouragement for all of their members, creating a culture that welcomes everyone and celebrates diversity.

Playing Computer Games

MC Transition

MCTransitions is a grassroots listserve for adults with disabilities, families and professionals advocating for adults with disabilities as they transition to young adulthood and beyond. Purpose is to share information, provide each other support, and work to improve services and outcomes for adults with disabilities.

Art Class


VisAbility Art Lab is a studio program that provides artists with autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities a place and the resources to create art and develop the skills necessary to work in the arts.

Meditating Together

Montgomery County Recreation

Montgomery County Therapeutic Recreation provides accessible recreation, leisure skills, and personal development activities for individuals with disabilities through adaptive programs and inclusion (mainstreaming). Therapeutic Recreation programs can help individuals to gain confidence, have fun and make an impact in their lives.

The goal is to enhance the health, well-being and quality of life for Montgomery County residents of all abilities.


Cura Personalis Project

A non-profit organization in Montgomery County, which provides prevocational/vocational training and meaningful day programming to young adults and transitioning youth with developmental disabilities. 
Cura Personalis translates as "care for the entire person", suggesting individualized attention to the needs of the other.

Clínica de Salud Voluntaria Panasiática CCACC (PAVHC)


9318 Gaither Road, Suite 205

Gaithersburg, MD 20877


Visitas al médico solo con cita previa.
Exámenes de elegibilidad del paciente con cita previa.

Para obtener más información, llame al 240-393-5950 o envíenos un correo electrónico .

Lunes a viernes de 9 a. M. A 5 p. M.

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